If you are a Canon 5D Mark III or 1D-X owner, you owe it to yourself to carefully read this guide on the AF system. It is called the AF Setting Guidebook and it will help you to understand the system so you know how to get a very high percentage of in-focus shots.
Even if you never read manuals – READ THIS DOCUMENT!!!!
I know it is written for the 1D-X, but most of the content applies to the 5D Mark III as well, so I can’t stress enough how important it is that you read this document cover to cover. You’ll be rewarded by making most of this super advanced AF system.
UPDATE: Link fixed – sorry – Canon doesn’t allow direct links to the PDF.
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Is there something similar for Nikon? Many Thanks :)
I wish there were, but Nikon makes no attempt to communicate with me. I found out about this thanks to Canon's more open policy of reaching out and sharing info with Bloggers.
I can tell you from my experience of shooting pro sports that there are a lot of very seasoned pro photographers out there who have serious problems getting the Nikon AF system to do what they want it to do so their number of out of focus shots is on par with Canon users who don't understand their system either.
It seems like many pros have just learned to accept the failures and just use the better shots. It's a shame too because both systems are capable of more with a little input from the photographer.
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