Monday, April 11, 2011

Photo of the Week – Big Cat Stare

Daily Photo #136 – February 14th 2011 – Big Cat Stare

This cool shot was taken using one of my favorite DSLR’s, the new Nikon D7000 (my review) at a whopping ISO 1600, proving my point that you can get fantastic results with this camera at higher ISO’s. Noise reduction can really cause texture to be lost in the fur on a shot like this, so having a great in-camera sensor that keeps the noise low is your best tool for a shot like this.

It was taken at 200mm (300mm effective on this body) at an aperture of f/2.8 for 1/640 sec in Aperture Priority mode (which means that it probably would have been a lower ISO had auto ISO been on). It’s a great shot, especially given the fact that it was taken at a zoo because there’s no indication that it was in a zoo environment (beyond the fact that this tiger is super clean).

Once again, great shot William – thanks for participating!

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William Doran said...

Also, this was shot through a fence! I was able to use Viveza 2 to darken the couple of spots that were too bright from the highly out of focus fence links.

William Doran said...

Also, this was shot through a fence! I was able to use Viveza 2 to darken the couple of spots that were too bright from the highly out of focus fence links. said...

Very cool! I wrote about shooting through fences here so it's funny to hear that is what you had to do as well.

Honestly it's probably easier to shoot through a fence and get a good shot than it is to go to Africa and get one in the wild! ;-)